Help! I installed my new screen and I'm having issues!
Note: The information here only applies to genuine cuescreens products.You risk damage to your unit if you are not installing genuine products. Already ordered a competitor product and its not working? I would recommend just ordering our dual mode touch screen and installing it per the instructions.
What problem are you having? Click the button
Give it time
Some 2017+ vehicles will be unresponsive upon screen replacement- this is normal. Plug the cue system in and leave the car locked for 15 mins. Then retest. This gives all the computers a chance to boot up.
Not responding- #1 most common:
Improperly inserted touch screen ribbon cable. Your installation must look exactly like the photo below. Every day, I get calls from people, and they text me photos of their ribbon cable insertion and it's too far out. It won't work. If there is any doubt, reseat the connection until it looks exactly like the photo.
This is the only correct installation

Everything here is from customers or pro mechanics that couldn't get their screen working even though they followed the instructions to a "T":

Not responding- #2 most common:
Cut or torn ribbon cable. I frequently have customers send back screens saying it's defective, when in reality its because it was torn or cut during installation. These tears can be very small and hard to see. Check the images below for examples.

Not responding- #3 most common:
Damaged or destroyed connector. Sometimes I see inexperienced mechanics totally destroy the customer's unit by not reading the instrucitons and using too aggressive tools at the wrong areas. This can be broken locking clips, connectors ripped off the boards, torn
cables, etc. If this happens, the best solution is to replace the entire unit.

Not responding- #4 most common:
HMI locked up. This is a separate module that can occasionally freeze and appear that the touch screen isnt responding. Try resetting it
Turn the ignition on, engine not running.
Open the CUE faceplate, thereby exposing the storage area behind it.
With the faceplate up, turn off the vehicle.
Open the driver’s side door.
Wait 30-60 seconds with the driver’s side door open.
Close the driver side door and start the vehicle.
Lower the faceplate.
Attempt using the touch screen again.
Unit blacked out- Most common causes:
Make sure you are testing with the following conditions:
Blue cable plugged into back of unit
Any CD changer reconnected
AC faceplate fully closed and flush with face of unit
If you checked these, and are still having black out issues, it is due to a white ribbon cable inside the unit. As noted in the video you should never touch a white ribbon cable or you will have these problems.
Open it up, check the main ribbon cables, and carefully reconnect if they are loose. The most common cable to become loose during install is on the back of the LCD panel. Check below to see how to reconnect it. Be careful- you don't want to damage anything.